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5 basic symptoms to know that your life has been consumed by UNI:

1) Your diet is reduced to nothing but energy drinks, instant noodles and bread.

2) Realisation that your social life with real people is basically non-existent and is replaced by the company of books, articles and essays.

3) Retardation of social skills, when, NAY, IF, you ever come in contact with humans (again); language either sounds like all those essays you’ve done (intro-argument-conclusion) or some sort of  gibberish.

4) Metamorphosis of physical appearance, that is, skin becomes the colour of various shades of pale and pasty gray, dark circles under your eyes become bigger than your eyes itself, and acne, dear moses, ACNE.

5) When someone asks you if you want to do something fun, the first image that comes to your mind is sleeping for 24 hours straight.


Ugh. My face is breaking out again. Must be uni. It has to be. I can look at my physical predicament in one of two ways: one, that because this is due to stress, and stress is due to uni load, and uni will continue for 2 more suicidal years, these facial buggers are more-or-less semi-permanent OR; two, acne is related to puberty, puberty is to adolescence, adolescence is to young, preppy, careless teenagers whose major life questions consist of who’s going out with who.

I prefer to choose the latter.

(Just releasing some frustration, I always do this. Bear with me. Love-love, baby~)


Jhoni said I get frustrated easily. I would beg to differ, except I believe that. And hence why I put up peEVE.

So in my hermit-stage of essays and frustrations, things like music help me relax. And because I don’t download pirated copies (much), I’m so grateful for YouTube and its videos of virtually anything my random world likes. Yes, I do know I sound like the biggest geek now. But not as geeky as certain people who post comments on YouTube. Wait, actually no, I like geeks. These people though annoy the crap out of me; I call them YouTwits–haha! I do love my wordplay. Click on it to read my rant, or check out my other rants on my peEVE page.

LOL why am I plugging this so much?! Because I get to share my entertainement with you guys. Aww…

For the record though, I have nothing against YouTube commenters (?); some of them are fun to read. I came across this one comment on FooFighter’s ‘Best Of You’ video. Talking of Dave Grohl, the band’s lead singer:

“In my next life, I want to be reincarnated as Dave’s microphone.


Hahaha! Yes, LOL indeed. If I believed in reincarnation, at the moment, I would like to be reincarnated as the mug Jason Mraz drinks of first thing in the morning.

Or the apparatus of which he smokes his doody. “LOL”

(Side)note: Clearly, the result of essays.

Ok so there’s this Facebook campaign that is calling all the atheists everywhere to come together on the 8th of November to have a minute of prayer to deny God.

Ahh people, who needs to watch T.V. when I get all the entertainement I want in real life?

The description says:

As you may already be aware, recently the Atheist Founation of Australia and the Global Atheist Convention websites were the target of a significant DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack, which began on Monday 19 October.

This is a call to all non-believers and advocates for freedom of speech to join us in a global co-ordinated minute of prayer with the aim of inundating God (in this context, the Christian god, God, as distinct from the Greek god, Zeus, the Egyptian god, Ra etc etc) with so many useless prayers that it causes his divineness to go offline as as result of our own DDOS (‘Divine’ Denial of Service).

The prayer minute will be at exactly 8pm (Eastern Standard Time) and 9am (Greenwich Mean Time) on Sunday 8 November 2009.

The prayer can be about anything you want (but say it as frequently as possible in the minute we have assigned to ensure DDOS is achieved) or to whomever god you want. Its mostly directed at the Christian god so as to ensure we don’t get too many return to senders from other gods.

10 thousand bonus points to those who can pinpoint what is so wrong here.
“If God limited himself only to what WE want and need, then he wouldn’t be who he is.”
When you say he doesn’t exist, the only thing that will go ‘offline’ is your heart–not him.
I don’t know, I’m just thinking, imagine if the big crowd who will go to this, turned their prayers of denial into prayers of acceptance, imagine what God would do with that instead.

HA! I put up a new page! Presenting peEVE; a blog page catering solely to my rants and whinges, especially during that time of the month (apologies for unnecessary information). I put up my first peEVE on stereotypes. And in the most loving way possible, gosh they SUCK! haha Check it out, and if you have any ideas tell me!

Meanwhile, regular posts are on their way (ie still in my head). But I hope you get entertained nonetheless. Here are some funny baby photos! I don’t know why they amuse me, but this goes out to Brian, who has a strange fascination for weird baby faces. haha! You can view more baby tips here

Ciao, bella.

 I wonder if Lady Gaga ever misses wearing normal clothes? That somewhere deep inside her, a voice is desperately begging to let herself just wear dirty trackies, a worn out jumper and a pair of thongs. It just seems like walking around in clothes (or lack thereof) from outer space can get a bit uncomfortable and heavy, you know? Here Lady Gaga, look at this happy chap, with a flannel jacket, a shirt specifically advertising the kind of alcohol you’d like to drown in, and a cold one in your right hand, doesn’t this look fun?  

yiihhh been wanting to do this aye? Grab meself some coldies and hang with the lads aye?

“Yiih mate, been wanting to do this aye? Grab meself some coldies and just hang with the lads aye?”


 But I don’t know, that’s just me. That’s probably why I’m here at home wearing my oldest pants (with a hole on them) and not winning Grammies and raking in the money. It’s all good.

(Note: Fact number 1: I actually enjoy looking at Lady Gaga’s fashion; number 2: I’m bored. And I don’t endorse alcohol. haha! )

Random Lines, Thoughts and Quotes

To place myself in HIS STORY is placing myself in HISTORY.

What was, is and will be.

May 2024

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