YouTube commentators…commenters…anyway, those people who probably all fall within the age group of 12-15, or at least who act like they fall in that age group should all go out and find something better to do than try to act like a 30-year old who holds a PhD on debating.

Seriously, I try to enjoy a mad video, scroll down with the hope that someone could give me more information about it or a worth-while comment about why Jason Mraz is the maddest artist within the atmosphere of our planet, and things like, “This is me and my bf’s song” or “I had a girl like that, but she left, she’s all the way in whatever-land, in some-guy’s arms. I’ll never forget her.” That’s great buddy, I don’t even know who she is. And what’s worse is some idiot would actually comment back saying, “Aww, that’s sad, I feel sorry for you. That happened to me as well. I’m still recovering.” AND THEN they somehow end up becoming bestfriends on YouTube, proclaiming to everyone that “Woo-Hoo! See?! I have friends I get to be miserable with!”

And perhaps the worst kind of comments YouTube commenters make are when they start picking fights, or “debating”. It’s funny, when I watch a video, I’m actually expecting to see some form of argument in the comment section! Ok, here’s the latest one I read which was the reason why I made this peEVEd post in the first place:


“Excuse me, but making an analogy with a brain and God, isn’t very useful to back up your debate. You know, brain scans are the best proof, imo, however there is another one ( and a lot more), such as examining a dead body, and there is a such thing as brain to brain transmission. Forcing your view on someone else, doesn’t make it fact. It is your opinion and if you’d like to believe that, that’s cool. Also,I don’t thinkmaking fun of someone’styping style is very nice. =[“

to which lejendmythril replied:

“Please stay out of this it isn’t your arguement, I appreciate your view of things but I am just merely placing my opinion, it was he who started to critisize me to begin with and I was not trying to force anything on anyone, it is not stupid to believe things in that perspective it is just another way to express ones opinion, so thank you for your concern but I really don’t need anyone else critisizing my view of things.”
Now I don’t know how the argument actually started, or who started it, (I’m not about to scroll through 10,000 more time-waste comments), but seriously, how did a video of THE FRAY concluded to brains and God?!?? Please explain that to me! Why, oh dear people of YouTube, why must you pretend that you actually have some smart things to say back to people that “offended” you, or offended your…TYPING?! If you were as smart as you thought you were, then don’t say anything back! The more you talk, the more people like ME would not know who the dumb one was. Go waste your ever-great knowledge on your studies, or creating some awesome invention that can change the world.
And if you’re a 12-year old who is about to post some silly comment on someone else’s silly comment, STOP. Stop right there, look out, the sun is shining, or possibly isn’t, but a more exciting life is just right outside your poorly-lit room filled of crusty pizza. Go frolick on the grass or something.