You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2009.

This is for my girls,

who in spite of adversity and challenges, still stand and remain strong.

 You give me hope and strength to be the beautiful person

I was meant to be.

Your faith inspires me to go against the current and tread on the way that God has laid out for me .

Keep pushing forward lovelies. 🙂

“Look me in the eye. It’s OK if you’re scared. So am I. But we’re scared for different reasons. I’m scared of what I won’t become – and you’re scared of what I could become. Look at me. I won’t let myself end where I started. I won’t let myself finish where I began. I know what is within me, even if you can’t see it yet. Look me in the eyes. I have something more important than courage. I have patience. I will become what I know I am.” (Michael Jordan Commercial)


(Edit: I wrote this entry the day before my birthday but didn’t get to post it. I’ll post it anyway because it serves as a reminder to myself that I have a part in this great story.)

Ok it’s weird, I have been seeing the number 22 everywhere. Fb posts were posted 22 hours ago, my inbox has 22 emails, my blog was viewed 22 times, I have 222 friends on this social networking site…or something other. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe because it’s leading up to my birthday that this normal number just started becoming more prominent in my eyes.

So I was born on the 22nd of August. I’m turning 22. I am a twin. There’s really nothing out of the ordinary there, but those can’t all be coincidences. I looked up events in history that fell on this date and there were pretty interesting ones (aside from all the political revolutions and assassinations); I noticed alot of discoveries such as the discovery of theft of Mona Lisa  in 1911; of GOLD in Johannesburg, South Africa 1926; of the FIRST RING of Neptune in 1989; and of course, of Australia in 1170, when Captain James Cook landed on the eastern coast. On August 22 1941 German troops reached Leningrad and seiged it after. That was the start of World War II.  A year after that, Brazil declares war on Germany and Italy.

As for births, it would’ve been great if there were any Queens and Kings and Leaders born on this day, but alas, I didn’t see any. I did notice births of many artists, poets, writers and physicists (physicists?!). A sign perhaps?  

What’s the whole point of this? I really don’t know, but I bet you guys are going to look up now what historical events happened on YOUR birthday, aren’t you? hahah *Start a trend: DONE, boo-yah*

It does seem though, that lately, I have been subjected to prod into the day I was placed here on Earth. It’s not that I ever thought I was a mistake and that I had no place here, but just how IMPORTANT that day really was. I was told that God was thinking of me even before I was born, and last night when I was reading, it was revealed to me that he wasn’t just thinking of me, like how I think of certain people say, when I’m bored, or when I miss someone. When he thought of me, I was already predestined to be great. There was already a plan, just for me. I wasn’t chucked into this world and then was told, “Hmm, ok you can take the role of a teacher. Or maybe a poet.”

I was already  ready to be moulded into the image of Christ, to lead the way for my future children. The day God thought of me was the same day I was CHOSEN and CALLED. So when I was born on the 22nd day of the 8th month in the year 1987, God was already setting up ways to justify the plans He has for me. Everything that happened on the same day years before that , the discoveries and the wars, probably had nothing to do with me. It was probably someone else’s story. But here I am, turning 22 in less than 24 hours . What have I been doing all these years? I’ve stumbled along the way, got lost for a bit, ran around in circles; Tomorrow, I will not only celebrate the day I was born, but it shall be thus marked in history the day I let God say, “Let me uphold and prove the purpose I have for you.”

And wouldn’t it be great, on that day, I will be glorified by the same God who justified me?

I’m turning 22 on the 22nd and I’d like to think this is a special occassion since things like this never happen twice. To make the most of this very rare event, I have decided to celebrate my birthday for the rest of week. I don’t know why this gives me great joy, haha, I’m suddenly 5 years old again getting excited over the fact that my birthday is a week long.

But instead of birthday cakes and clowns and balloons and presents, I plan to indulge myself in small things I deprive myself of in my normal day-to-day activities.

I am currently raking my head for ideas; today I was meant to relax in the bath (haven’t had those in a while) and paint my nails. But I forgot we don’t have any of those bubble soaps here. 😦 Maybe I’ll run to the shops a bit later. The rest of my list includes:

1) Going out for a walk

2) Having a fruit-fest =D

3) Do pilates or yoga

4) Go bowling

5) Read a good book in the sun

6) Go out for coffee by myself

I was actually telling God last night of my plans, and out of nowhere, I surprised myself when I asked him to celebrate my birthday week with me. I know, it sounds a bit random, but when I invited him, I felt he got all giddy and excited. hahah So yes! I believe it will be quite EPIC. ^__^

Thank God for Photoshop at work. hahah

I know, for all you creative people out there, I have to apologise if I taint the name of ART; these things are merely the result of boredom and a spark of creativity. And vanity, I am my own best model. Ha.ha. Everything was rushed and I’m not a person of patience. If it looks good enough, then it’s good enough.

But it sure woke up that sleeping artist inside of me.

 P.S. Ok the noise quality kinda went a bit spastic in some photos. Gah. Fail. I might re-do these in the near future. Might.

I’ve never been a patient person. I’d like to think  that I am, and for a while I was in a delusion thinking that I was. But in reality, I have a short-fused temper, and I despise sitting on my ass waiting for things to happen to me while my precious time ticks away. I make things happen when I want them, how I want them. I get frustrated at people who do not take the initiative to do anything and they start complaining that the whole world is against them. The world doesn’t need lazy people like you son, here’s a dollar, go take your problems somewhere else.

But as I’ve realised there are some things that are completely out of my control. And whenever I tried putting these matters into my own hands, I’ve always come face-to-face with failure. It’s been hard placing faith in God. It sounded so easy saying I’m faithful when I was younger, but as I grew older and my desires for certain things grew with me, it got harder and harder for me to let God take over. It’s funny now, what the hell was I thinking asking God to step aside because I thought I could handle it? He must’ve been laughing at me and saying, “Oh yeah? Can you really?”

I’m trying to regain my faithful heart. It’s especially hard for a controlling person like I am, but I am starting to understand how much bigger God is compared to me. And these mountains in my way, they’re NOTHING to him. So I’ll wait. I absolutely can not (even if I tried) fathom how his mind works but I know he’s not just sitting there, holding things out from me just because he feels like it. He’s working everything out. I can’t obviously see the woods for the trees at the moment, but he can, and he knows his plans for me. If I just learn to let go and let God (did I get this from Ally?) I know when the time comes, everything will be complete, nothing will be lacking. How can things go wrong when he’s already said YES to it?

At the same time though, this does not mean I have an excuse to idle around and wait for things to unfold. I presume sitting and waiting,  and going with the flow are just as bad as trying to control things. I put my trust on the great plans he has for me and because I know he’s got great plans, I can’t be the same person as I was and I am now when I do receive it. What can I say when he tells me “These are all for you, are you ready for it?” I can’t be this weakling, stubborn, immature person that I am now. I want to be able to say, “Are you crazy God?! I’ve been preparing for this my whole life, psch, yeah come on, give me your best shot!” I have to get myself ready- make sure there’s enough petrol in my tank, I’ve cleaned my windows, put on my glasses, checked the tyres, adjusted all my mirrors- so when God gives me the GO sign, I can just let go of the brakes and go for it.

For those who know me, they’ll know how much I love sunrises and sunsets. I still remember the first time I ever watched a sunrise and how it took my breath away.

But whenever night falls, I absolutely fall in love looking at the glowing moon, and it leaves me equally breathless. I think where the majestic sun feels so nice and warm on my skin, I love the fact that I can look at and admire the moon without having to be blinded by it. =D


The center of our Milky Way Galaxy
The center of our Milky Way Galaxy


The heavens declare the glory of God;
       the skies proclaim the work of his hands. -Psalm 19:1

AMAZING FACTS we have to know about this universe:

  • At the equator (the Earth is not spinning at the north and south pole), the Earth is rotating at a speed of about 2200 km per hour. That’s 52,800 km in one day. But we can’t feel it because the speed remains constant. If the earth slows down or speeds up, everything on earth would change drastically.
  • The human eye can only see about 3,000 stars out of approximately 100,000,000,000 in our galaxy ALONE! It’s like holding just a handful of sand from all of the sand on all the beaches in the world combined.
  • Our galaxy alone is so HUGE that if you could travel at the speed of light (299, 337 km per second) it would still take 100,000 years to cross it.
  • About 25% of the universe consists of “dark matter” and about 70% consists of “dark energy”, leaving only about 5% of the universe visible to us.
  • The Earth’s Sun, when it becomes a Red Giant in 5 billion years, will expand to a size that will go beyond the orbit of the Earth by 20% and will shine 3,000 times brighter. Whether the Earth will be spared of vaporisation or not is still being debated.
  • 65 million years ago a huge asteroid slammed into Earth which left 70% of all the world’s species extinct, including the dinosaurs. Scientists have speculated for more than a decade that the entire surface of the Earth below would have been baked by the equivalent of a global oven set on broil.

 If you want to know how BIG and UNFATHOMABLE our Creator is, look no further than where it all started: the universe.

No matter how far the human race has come ever since we discovered civilisation and progress, we are still discovering the universe’s unpretentious wonders and greatness. And every time, we get amazed over and again.

We realise that the whole universe that our minds can’t comprehend, and all our senses can’t discern, is ALIVE. It’s hot and it’s breathing, ever expanding and ever growing. There are billions of star nests, where stars are born every second. And they exist merely to show the grandness of God. Every single day in its lifetime, from the day it was created, the universe EXISTS and SINGS and DANCES (click on Auroras and Magnetic Reconnection on NASA page) just to glorify the Creator.

But like all things existing, they all die. As a star grows bigger, it will consume nuclear fuel until it runs out and then it undergoes a supernova, where it collapses in on itself to the point of infinite density, which we call a black hole. And it makes one think, the glorious planets and stars and galaxies, live and die just like that. They don’t have to worry about jobs or kids or their future. They are born, they exist, and they die.

Why is it then, that some of us keep forgetting what we’re here for? And some of us don’t even know what it is? Apparently, if we liken the size of the Milky Way Galaxy (where our Solar System is found), to the size of the entire continent of the US, our Solar System ALONE will be about the size of a US quarter (24.33 mm or the size of the new Ipod Shuffle). That means our SUN and all the nine planets would be microscopic dust on the US scale. And yet, out of the vast universe and every single matter that God had majestically put in place, HE CHOSE US. Out of all the suns that are burning incessantly, the matters that will never be visible in our eyes, out of the hundred billion stars he can name one by one, he chose to humble himself to our level– a tiny spec of his Creation–and gave up everything. We didn’t come to being by mere chance; it wasn’t a coincidence that we weren’t alive 65 million years ago, or that we weren’t born 5 billion years from now.

We are small, but we are one step ahead of the universe. We are not here only to glorify him, as with all creations, but we were CHOSEN to have the opportunity to run after his heart and to have an intimate relationship with him.



In reality, there are some things in life that will fail us. If you’re smart, you get back up and try again. Yet, even if you were regarded as the smartest person in the world and even in the best of situations, what attacks our core the most and leaves us in so much pain, is when PEOPLE fail us. When relationships don’t work out after you were so sure it would, it leaves us feeling vulnerable and angry and confused. And in these moments the vows of never putting ourselves in such situations again start to form in the deepest depths of our hearts.

But I just want to say, thank you to the special girls in my life who stay with me not solely because we do things together, or that we have fun (eating lol), or even because we share the same preferences for the opposite sex. XD But THANK YOU, because I know that whatever we do, or however I may stuff up now and heretofore, your actions will be governed by LOVE. That even if I have been let down by so many people in the past, I’m not scared to put my heart in your hands.

Sorry for the cheesiness buttttt…….

I LOVE YOU! *giggles and runs away*

Random Lines, Thoughts and Quotes

To place myself in HIS STORY is placing myself in HISTORY.

What was, is and will be.

August 2009

Looking for Something?