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Ate Heids asked me something today: 

Ate Heids: “Aemi, Why do you worship?”

SHE CALLED ME AEMI!? What is this?!! (Aemi is my twin sister, if you’re a bit lost right now).

So after we’ve cleared up this little confusion, I was really hesitant to answer initially.  First of all, I had an essay to do, if I was to get intense, I’d rather it all be poured out on my essay and maybe get a HD for it. (ha sif!) Second, I was just not ready for that. Something so simple hey…Seriously Ate Heids, really, do you really want me to answer now?!

But I did and it led me back to this revelation I had a few months back (and if you love biology, hello, double bonus for you):

There are two ways (that I know of) to get the heart pumping faster than normal: one is when we exert force such as when we do exercises or any physical activities; two is under situations where we get excited or scared and adrenaline is released. In both cases, your body starts to need more oxygen and so an increase in oxygen level is crucial. To answer to that need, your heart starts to beats faster to get the oxygenated blood from your lungs to get to our oxygen-deprived muscles faster. 

And this was the most interesting thing that caught my eye: As our blood flow speeds up, our blood vessels expand considerably to accomodate more blood. When I was reading up on this, I was asking, “God what are you trying to say to me?” It’s so funny; when you ask, he’s always so excited to answer. I was on YouTube that time, listening to praise songs, and guess what song I was led to? It’s this song by avalon called OXYGEN.

HA! Coincidence? I think not! Here’s the chorus:

You are my oxygen
I breathe You in
I breathe You out
You are my oxygen
You are my love
You are what life’s about”

And so it hit me: just as our bodies need more oxygen, when we desire MORE of God, our capacity to RECEIVE expands as well.

 And this is why I worship: when I abandon everything I hold on to and lay myself out there, I cease to exist, and I start living.

My challenge for you guys today, when you worship, do so with your heart pumping, your mind open, your soul screaming and as if everything in you is expanding for more of him.

HA! I put up a new page! Presenting peEVE; a blog page catering solely to my rants and whinges, especially during that time of the month (apologies for unnecessary information). I put up my first peEVE on stereotypes. And in the most loving way possible, gosh they SUCK! haha Check it out, and if you have any ideas tell me!

Meanwhile, regular posts are on their way (ie still in my head). But I hope you get entertained nonetheless. Here are some funny baby photos! I don’t know why they amuse me, but this goes out to Brian, who has a strange fascination for weird baby faces. haha! You can view more baby tips here

Ciao, bella.

And so we’re back to the inconsistent updating of this blog. I had hoped that after SOS I would be flowing with revelations and that my keyboard would have been broken by now from the passionate typing in wanting to share them with everyone.

But the only kind of typing this keyboard has ever gotten since then are lame attempts to write essays for uni.

And that just sums up what’s been happening so far: ASSIGNMENTS, studying, etc. Everyone’s doing it, so I guess I have to as well.

I’ve been learning alot though, still havent forgotten to do what is more important. I’ll share it when I have more time to spare, provided I still remember them. haha But I guess if I forget then what would be the point of the lesson? So I will remember. (wow, eloquence Miss Casin, nice)

Before I go, I would like to make a big shout out to my GFRESH family! You guys never cease to inspire me! And looks like the blog-bug, or BLUG as I have just so ingeniously coined (I crack myself up) has infected a few people! Especially the men! There’s only so much that women could teach the men until differences (e.g. hormones haha) catch up. So good job Mcguyver Fuertes for providing a fresh perspective on things and leading the little boys. And awesome start, Mr. Gregory Borg. I look forward to reading more “how-to’s”.

If you haven’t read their stuff yet, I seriously recommend doing so. And understand  why we love doing what we do.

So…AAAHH! Back to work.

Love and peace baby.


‘No more running wild, I’M YOURS FOR LIFE, you got me here.’

If only life was a massive SOS camp, where you’re surrounded by passionate people running the same race as you are, every single day, then this would be so much easier. The great thing about SOS camp was that I got away from every form of distraction in the world and I was completely immeresed in the one thing I am most passionate about.

But as everyone else has also experienced, we soon had to face those distractions again.

Ally shared last Friday that the opposition uses even greater lengths to make you stumble, not because you’re weak but because your victory is so much closer. And man, the things the enemy does. All it takes is a little seed of doubt planted in your hearts and that’s it, you’re off the track.

‘Is He making this so hard for me? Why? Is it because He thinks I’m weak? AM I STRONG ENOUGH?’

But HA! to the one who robs me of my value and my passion. This love is too strong, it sustains me. You’ve heard of that saying, ‘Love conquers all’ right? It’s such a cliche, but I’ve always thought cliche’s happen because, if not for the most part, there is some truth in it. Well, I was lost but He found me; I was weak, He made me strong; I was down and He took me higher. If that’s not love, then what is? (Wow Abbie, keep going with the cliches, good job. -_-)

So the world can go on doing what it does, the struggles, the obstacles…but I’m more than that, I am more than the circumstances around me. I’ll just run and keep on running towards the one who got me here.

(p.s. No particular theme in mind? Just rambling and releasing things in my head.)

It’s you.
And I knew where I belonged all along.
No words can say, but these tears exclaim
that who I am is yours,
and I’ll give my whole heart
to the one who loved me first.
Your face,
my brokenness;
your joy
my vow;
“It’s always been you.”

(The other married lady. Hehe love you Ally!)

“Don’t be one of those people who looks for ways how to live life to the fullest.”

I was born in an era where there are so many options, it’s easy to get lost in them. I was talking to a friend not too long ago and we were discussing about our desire to make a change in the world. The only problem is, there’s nothing to change anymore. If we were born a century ago, we would be fighting for women’s rights. A couple of decades back, freedom rights for the discriminated. But now, everything that needs to be done had already been done.

And how many young people do you know are thinking that way? Walking through life trying to find a purpose, jumping from one desire to the next, hoping that it would give them validity? The generation today has the most options, the most liberated generation compared to all the other ones, and yet, why aren’t we heard?

The suicide rate amongst the youth has soared so high, I bet even the heroes of the past would get the shock of their…lives (hahah yes, attempt at “humour” right there). Teen pregnancies, depression, rape, violence…you know that there’s something wrong when fulfillment is replaced by increasing emptiness. Apparently people today are growing up slower; that is, when years ago you stopped being a child when you turn 9 and became an adult as soon as you could work on the field, today, at 28 years old, you’re not even called an adult yet. Suddenly we’re surrounded by kids too involved with themselves and at the same time not knowing where to go and what to do.

I grew up with the Philippine’s national hero’s famous quote: “The youth is the hope of the future” and as a kid, I used to be so proud of that. As I grew up, I found myself being chucked to the side thinking, “No, that’s impossible now. There’s nothing else to do anyway, and even if there was, what can I do? I’ll leave that to someone else.” And I’m quite certain there’s a whole lot of us with the same mind-frame.

But as I’ve recently learned, I shouldn’t be looking for ways how to live my life to the fullest; instead, I should be doing what this generation OUGHT to be doing. I was put in this generation, not out of coincidence and not so I could spend the rest of my life trying to figure out what it is I’m meant to be doing–I was placed in this generation because clearly, there are things that still need to be done, and I am an agent of change.

You want to know your purpose? You want to live life to the fullest? Then why are you looking anywhere else? God has the plan, He has the word. He just needs a voice. Are you looking for a big miracle, for the skies to open up to show that He exists? Well guess what? He’s not going to do that. He is looking for people that would seek to hear His voice which comes in nothing but a whisper in an era that is abound of things that vie for our attention. And you have to answer that call.

Like in Joshua 22, I also fear for that day when the next generation looks at me and says, “Why would I run after God? What did you do with Him anyway?” It’s terrifying to know that if I don’t answer His call now and choose not to be a part of this, I would not only fail my generation, I would also fail the next.

I’m leaving a legacy; that I was part of a generation, an army that ran the race and never looked back.

And since I’m bad at ending things…I’ll end this with: “I LOVE JHONI!!!” (haha)

Random Lines, Thoughts and Quotes

To place myself in HIS STORY is placing myself in HISTORY.

What was, is and will be.

October 2009

Looking for Something?