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5 basic symptoms to know that your life has been consumed by UNI:

1) Your diet is reduced to nothing but energy drinks, instant noodles and bread.

2) Realisation that your social life with real people is basically non-existent and is replaced by the company of books, articles and essays.

3) Retardation of social skills, when, NAY, IF, you ever come in contact with humans (again); language either sounds like all those essays you’ve done (intro-argument-conclusion) or some sort of  gibberish.

4) Metamorphosis of physical appearance, that is, skin becomes the colour of various shades of pale and pasty gray, dark circles under your eyes become bigger than your eyes itself, and acne, dear moses, ACNE.

5) When someone asks you if you want to do something fun, the first image that comes to your mind is sleeping for 24 hours straight.


Ugh. My face is breaking out again. Must be uni. It has to be. I can look at my physical predicament in one of two ways: one, that because this is due to stress, and stress is due to uni load, and uni will continue for 2 more suicidal years, these facial buggers are more-or-less semi-permanent OR; two, acne is related to puberty, puberty is to adolescence, adolescence is to young, preppy, careless teenagers whose major life questions consist of who’s going out with who.

I prefer to choose the latter.

(Just releasing some frustration, I always do this. Bear with me. Love-love, baby~)


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To place myself in HIS STORY is placing myself in HISTORY.

What was, is and will be.

May 2024

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