You are currently browsing the monthly archive for June 2009.

Jason Mraz  Jason Mraz, you will be the death of me.

 For inspiration, passion and creativity, if you hold humanity, the world and the environment with great importance, then delve into the mind of this wonderful, wonderful creature. XD

Out Of My League – Stephen Speaks

A friend mentioned this song a few days ago. It’s called Out of My League (Stephen Speaks). I haven’t heard it in ages! I’m waiting for that man who will dedicate it to me. Hahaha…No, seriously.

Listen. Fall in love. ❤

It’s a masterful melody, when she calls out my name to me. As the world spins around her she laughs, rolls her eyes and I feel like I’m falling but it’s no surprise ’cause I LOVE HER, with all that I am. And my voice shakes along with my hands. ‘Cause it’s frightening to be swimming in this strange sea, but I’d rather be here than on land

 I’ve found myself in situations where I was faced with a mad landscape or a funny spontaneous moment, and I’d just wish I could hold it there forever but then no matter how much I try to etch every detail in my mind, they somehow always tend to slowly fade away.

That’s why I’ve always wanted one of those awesome SLR cameras that almost always perfectly capture beautiful moments, almost how you see it with your own eyes. But I am such a noob, I can’t keep up with all these technical jargons like megapixels and what-not. XD

I’ll settle for a polaroid camera. Over-exposed photographs have this sense of romance about them. But I was doing my research, not only are they hard to find, the films are pretty expensive as well. So acquiring an old-school polaroid camera will be chucked into the “MeWants” List for now.

I have found a very cool application though that anyone could download on net, which transforms your normal digital photos into polaroid-looking ones. It’s called Poladroid and you can download it here, if you’re as frustrated and desperate as I am. It’s pretty snazzy, you even get to see the photo developing and you could fiddle with the settings whether you like it scratched or smudged, just for that authentic polaroid-feel.

Enjoy and may your memories and experiences last longer than your days here on earth. 🙂

 I’m exchanging molecules every 30 days with the natural world and in a spiritual sense I know I am a part of it and take my photographs from that emotional feeling within me, rather than from an emotional distance as a spectator. – Galen Rowell


Currently reading: The Count of Monte Cristo.

I would learn FRENCH just so I could read this classic gold-mine in all its full glory. I love it; it’s a bit of a read, but Dumas is such a master story teller, it always seems like he’s just right there relaying the story to you. Oh, Dumas, you are such a stud.

Oh and I’m learning new words! *sha!* Like, I didn’t know that “countenance” is another word for FACE. “His livid countenance seemed as though the tempest burst forth in all its fury.” OoOo! Say words I’ll never get to say in real life: DONE.

“Upon my word,” sad Dantes, ”you make me shudder. If I listen much longer to you, I shall believe the world is filled with tigers and crocodiles.”

“Only remember that two-legged tigers and crocodiles are more dangerous than those that walk on four.” 

Much love.

That man, nay, that LEGEND who chose the songs for Guitar Hero World Tour…you are a ROCK hero. May the god of rock bless you with many rock babies for your awesome rock genes.

And for the designer of the game, man, you have successfully heard the prayers of many lonely nerds out there who have somehow got it into their heads that by pushing 4 random buttons on EXPERT level have turned them into rockstars and can now get LAID. You deserve every single cent, which we all know you are now bathing yourself in. Well, at least you should.

I am so uninspired at the moment. Why is there nothing to write about?!

Oh apparently, the boy who claimed that Michael Jackson forced him to give him oral sex has finally admitted that he was coerced by his father into doing so. He now apologises for milking $2o million off MJ and for giving him hell. (Sorry I can’t source it right now, I’m sure it’s somewhere inside the world wide web) Now why do people do that? Why do they not become aware of their selfishness until they are faced with death, when most of the time, if not always, it’s too late to do anything about it? Michael Jackson was an icon, when racial discrimination was prevalent, he came in and proved that everyone has it in them to be GREAT, no matter their skin colour, and yet during the last few years of his life the world focused on his ‘flaws’. So he had some insecurity issues, or he plunged into debt, or someone accused him of being a paedophile, so what? “Whoever has not sinned, throw the first stone,” as someone once said. It pisses me off how people have to bring other people down to make them feel good about themselves, that instead of rejoicing over their successes, we seethe with jealousy (ad nauseum). Shameful, so shameful.

Pardon my rage.

I was meant to write here that until I have some decent, meaningful posts, please feel free to check out the older ones I’ve written (over the span of 5 years lol) on the “Oldies” page. Alternatively, you can also click here. Or you can also check out my full blog, that is, all the embarrassing and shameful posts, here.

Otherwise, if you find a crazy-off-opium looking creature, she’s my muse and would you be so kind as to tell her I need her right now. Thanks.

So as I start another adventure blog (hopefully), the media has not produced any happy, feel-good news as of late. Today, the world just lost another great artistic icon: MICHAEL JACKSON. Michael freaken’ Jackson. Who knew that guy (thing…wait, too early?) was actually MORTAL?! That he could die a seemingly very mortal death (heart attack, supposedly, but we all know that a Chariot made of lollies and rock stars came and flew him to Galaxy 100zX)?

Everyday we’re reminded of our short-lived existence here on this planet. Depressing? No, I’ve taken it as a challenge. What was that quote…. “This place wouldn’t be so beautiful if God had intended us to be immortals.” (Source unknown) So let this new BLOG be a witness and a STRONGHOLD for all new beginnings and new endings to come! *Braveheart music plays in the background*

I know it’s looking very BLAAAH at the moment, I’m going to try and make it more interesting soon-ish.

Meanwhile, welcome and I promise I will write more intelligent posts than this.

Random Lines, Thoughts and Quotes

To place myself in HIS STORY is placing myself in HISTORY.

What was, is and will be.

June 2009

Looking for Something?